Member Janice Shilts


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Meet Janice Shilts

I have always enjoyed the company of dogs in my life.
     During my childhood years I was fortunate to have many family pets which included some wonderful dogs that I still have fond memories of today. During the years that I had to work, I felt that I didn't have the time to have a dog. So, I yearned for the day that I would be able to have a canine companion again.
     When I was no longer working, the first thing that I did was to acquire a dog. I knew little about different dog breeds but always liked the terrier breed in general. So, my husband and I decided on a Scottish Terrier. I soon found out that a terrier dog has a highly strong-willed temperament. He was very intent on hunting for rodents (namely squirrels) and it seemed that my Scotty's main purpose in life was to catch a squirrel. My Scotty dog was with me for eleven years and he was truly a very devoted dog to me.
     After a lot of research I decided that my next dog would be a Cesky Terrier. The articles I had read about this terrier breed suggested that it had many of the terrier attributes but was more laid-back in its disposition. So, Chester, our Cesky Terrier came into our lives. I have had Chester now for five years and he has been a joy, a great canine companion, and a great addition to the family. He has such a sweet disposition and a cheerful personality. In fact our favorite saying in referring to Chester is "everybody loves Chester".
     Chester is a wonderful companion to me during the daytime and in the evening when my husband returns from work he turns into the little backyard "Hunter". My husband and Chester go out into our large fenced-in backyard every evening and go "hunting". This includes looking for squirrels and rabbits that may be lurking around in our vegetable garden. Even the birds in the bushes and trees are not safe. All animals and birds get chased Out of the yard. It is a great adventure that Chester looks forward to every day during the week.
     I'm proud and honored to be a member and board member of the National Cesky Terrier Club. I enjoy being part of the club because it is a fine organization and it has a wonderful and informative newsletter. For five years I have been a member of the club and just recently I have been elected as a board member. I hope to be able to he able to help the club "grow and mature" during the time I am a board member.

Picture: CHESTER getting a hug from his owner

Reprint from Cesky Chatter Vol 13 No 1 Dec. 2000 Copyright (c) 2000/2001 Lori Moody & NCTC

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