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Obedience Titles

By Kathy Reed

NCTCA (and the original clubs, NCTC and ACTC) have always offered conformation titles to their members. Obedience trials offer another way for NCTCA members to earn a title. These trials are open to our spayed and neutered pets, as well as our conformation Ceskys. Obedience training is a great way to spend quality time with your dog, while improving your dog’s responsiveness and behavior.

Obedience trials are divided into three levels of showing. These are the Novice, Open, and Utility classes. In each of these classes, qualifying performances earn legs toward a title. The best way to learn more about obedience training and available trials is through your local obedience club, veterinarian, or private obedience trainers.

AKC offers the following three obedience titles to AKC FSS breeds, including the Cesky Terrier:

Companion Dog or the CD title:

This title is earned at the first level of obedience trials, which is commonly called the Novice Class.

An example of the exercises required in Novice Class would be:

1. Heel and figure eight on leash

2. Stand for examination

3. Heel off leash

4. Recall

5. Long sit

6. Long down


Companion Dog Excellent or the CDX title:

This title is the next level of obedience trials, which is commonly called the Open Class.

In Open Class, the following exercises may be used:

1. Heel and figure eight off leash

2. Drop on recall

3. Retrieve a dumbbell on a flat surface

4. Retrieve a dumbbell over a high jump

5. Broad jump

6. Long sit with the handler out of view

7. Long down with the handler out of view

Utility Dog or UD title:

This title is the final title of obedience trials and is simply called the Utility Class.

Examples of exercises in this Utility Class would be:

1. Hand signal exercise

2. Scent discrimination

3. Directed retrieve of glove

4. Moving stand for examination

5. Directed jumping over High or Bar Jump

United Kennel Club (UKC) also offers comparable titles in obedience to those offered by AKC (although specific exercises may vary slightly from the description above), and allows Cesky Terriers to compete for them.  

Some clubs, such as the AKC and UKC, offer an Obedience Trial Championship, which can be earned once you have earned your UD title. AKC also offers Versatile Companion Dog (VCD) titles for dogs who earn titles in Obedience, Tracking and Agility.

Members:  Please be sure to share your successes in Obedience with us for publication in the newsletter!


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