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Standard for the Cesky Terrier
(as adopted by the National Cesky Terrier Club of America)

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General Appearance
Size, Proportion, Substance


Neck, Topline, Body









The Cesky Terrier was developed in Czechoslovakia to hunt small vermin and to go to ground. The Cesky Terrier is a very active and persistent dog and is tough but not rash in his battle with game. The Cesky Terrier is easy to handle and not overly aggressive.


bulletSize: Cesky Terriers usually measure 10 to 12 inches at the withers. The weight is 13 to 22 pounds with the ideal being 16-20 pounds. FAULT: Any Cesky Terrier weighing over 22 pounds and under 24 pounds. MAJOR FAULT: Any Cesky Terrier weighing over 24 pounds and under 26 pounds. DISQUALIFICATION: Any Cesky Terrier weighing over 26 pounds.
bulletProportion: The Cesky Terrier is longer than he is tall and is of medium length. The exact proportion is not as important as the dog being balanced and sound, capable of performing the breed's intended function.
bulletSubstance: The Cesky Terrier is a solidly built little dog, full of strength and quality. The breed has substance and bone without being heavy or coarse.

The Cesky Terrier has an alert good-natured expression. EYES are of medium size, rather deeply set with a quiet expression. In blue-grey dogs, eye color is brown to dark brown with black rims. In brown dogs, eye color is yellow with liver colored rims. FAULTS: Eye color too light in blue-grey dogs, entropion or ectropion. EARS are medium size drop ears covering the ear opening well. They are set relatively high and lie closely to the cheeks. The ears are triangle shaped with the short side at the attached edge. SKULL is moderately long and not too wide between the ears. Cheekbones are not prominent. The forehead slants slightly. The brow wrinkles are insignificant, the occiput bone is well developed and the STOP is well-defined. The MUZZLE is straight and strong. The NOSE is large and well-developed, black in blue-grey dogs and brown or liver colored in brown dogs. The jaws are strong. The LIPS are thick and tight, black in blue-grey dogs and brown or liver in brown dogs. BITE is scissors or level. FAULTS: overshot, undershot, 1 missing tooth. MAJOR FAULT: 2 to 3 missing teeth. DISQUALIFICATION: 4 or more missing teeth.

NECK is medium in length, arched and rather strong. The skin on the throat should be loose, but must not be throaty. TOPLINE is level except for a slightly arched loin. BODY is medium long. The brisket is more cylindrical than deep with well sprung ribs. There is only moderate TUCK-UP. The ideal chest circumference behind the front legs is 15-3/4 to 17-3/4 inches. The CROUP is fully developed, muscular, somewhat slanting.The TAIL is undocked and is 7 to 8 inches long, rather strong and thick and not set too high.At rest it is carried down with a slight bend at the tip. In movement it is carried down with a slight bend at the tip, level or high. FAULT: Squirrel tail or carried tightly over the back.

SHOULDERS are well laid back, flexible and muscular. ELBOWS are loose, but neither turned in nor out and move freely alongside the body - not under it. FORELEGS are straight and strong with straight forward movement. FEET have well arched toes and strong toenails. The pads are well developed, strong and full. The claws may be any color. Dew claws may be removed.

The UPPER THIGHS are muscular and the LOWER THIGHS are short and well angulated. The HOCKS are set fairly high. The hind feet are smaller than the front feet. Dew claws may be removed.

COAT is thick with a silky luster. After clipping it will be lighter and slightly wavy. Longer hair is darker and wavy to curly. PRESENTATION: The coat is clipped leaving a beard, thick eyebrows and the eyes are well covered with hair. The coat is not clipped on the rib cage, stomach and legs. In show condition, the length of the coat on the back and neck is 1/2 to 2/3 inch long. The coat is blended between the short and long hair to look as smooth as possible. Abundant furnishings will not be given preference over moderate furnishings.

BLUE-GREY (born black) or LIGHT BROWN (born chocolate). Shades of yellow, grey or white on the lower part of the head, neck, rib cage, stomach, lower legs and under the tail are permitted. There is occasionally a white tip on the tail or a white collar on the neck. The basic color must predominate however. The skin is grey in blue-grey dogs and flesh colored in brown dogs. FAULT: more than 20% white. MAJOR FAULT: more than 25% white. DISQUALIFICATION: More than 30% white (not to be confused with the silver, platinum, off-white, buff or cream color of the furnishings).

The Cesky Terrier moves freely with straight forward legs. The trot is such that the dog can easily follow the pace of a human being. The gallop is slow but with staying power. Correct placement of the legs and movement is emphasized.

The Cesky Terrier is a pleasant dog who exhibits much less aggressiveness than other terriers and gets along well with other dogs as well as people. He is alert and friendly. FAULT: Overly aggressive or overly shy.



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